What Can You Do to Move Your Business Forward?
From Sales Development Expert, Walt Gerano
There are many variables that most salespeople have not had to factor into their sales process before now. They include:
- Working remotely (and all that means)
- Effectively using tools such as Zoom to conduct meetings and check-ins with clients
- Doing a better job of social marketing
- Staying connected with their associates and dealing with feelings of isolation
In today’s Sales Brew, our very own Walt Gerano discusses what to do NOW in this trying time and how to lead with empathy, stay focused at home, and reach out to people you have done business with in the past.
Watch it below!
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Video Transcript:
Hello, this is Walt Gerano with Anthony Cole Training Group. I have spent the last two weeks speaking with sales leaders and salespeople and everyone I have talked with shared their concerns, their frustrations and their hope for better days ahead. They are uncertain about what to do right now. They know it will be different, but not growing is not an option. Having not been here before has created anxiety and uncertainty.
There are lots of variables that most salespeople have not had to factor into their sales process before now:
- Working remotely (and all that means).
- Effectively using tools such as Zoom to conduct meetings and check-ins with clients.
- Doing a better job of social marketing.
- Staying connected with their associates and dealing with feelings of isolation.
They know they have to press on and continue to:
- Generate new opportunities.
- Build relationships quickly but without face-to-face interaction.
- Sell the value they can still provide while working remotely.
What is the best way to go about it today? The answer is, “No one is sure.” I wanted to take a minute and share some things to keep in mind as you press forward.
- Lead every interaction with empathy. Start your conversations with “The 5 How’s.”
- How are you?
- How is your family?
- How is your business?
- How are your people?
- How can I help you?
- Working from home can be challenging so make sure to:
- Keep the same schedule as when you went to the office, get up and get going.
- Set up your boundaries if you share what is now your “office” with others.
- Schedule breaks in your day. Go outside and take a walk (without your phone).
- If no one else is around, prepare to feel isolated. You are used to having people around you. Use face time Zoom or some other video media to stay connected.
- At the end of the day, put your work away.
We all know we must continue to generate revenue but might not be ready to reach out to brand new contacts so until you are ready try these things.
- Reach out to people you have done business with in the past.
- Call people you have spoken with but never bound an account.
- Start contacting your referral sources: internally look for cross-selling opportunities and don’t forget your underwriters they are looking for business as well.
- Focus on the business you have in force that is likely to need a new home. Start the process now, remember Noah started building the Ark before it started to rain.
- Sharpen your linked-in skills, spend time daily on the site. Be careful about being self-promoting and focus on being helpful.
- Take advantage of the marketing tools that the company has been aggregating for you and send them along to your prospects. They have questions and you want to be the place they come for answers.
I hope these things help you get started or keep you going. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at walt@anthonycoletraining.com with any questions…I’m happy to help!