Sales Videos to Spark Engaging Conversations
Our Sales Development Experts regularly record videos to share selling tips, strategies, and ideas. Managers often utilize our videos during their weekly sales meetings to spark engaging discussions with their salespeople to help them with client and prospect calls. We can email you a weekly video if you sign up for our Sales Brew!
Scroll down to get a taste of our Online Learning Library videos, which are included in our training curriculum.
Videos from our Sales Development Experts
ACTG in the Media
Learning Library Videos

Need sales tips to keep you focused and sharpen your skills? Looking for a way to jump start your day with a little morning thunder? If so, you will love our weekly audio and video Sales Brew – a selling infusion of the richest kind.
“I REALLY enjoy your weekly sales brew. I’ve done lots of sales training and read books on it, all helpful. What I enjoy about your Sales Brew is you give the finer points in 5 minutes on each milestone in the selling process. 5 minutes on each one and somebody could go out and close a deal. Sales are always improved through repetition and refreshing on the skills, which your Sales Brew does. I love it.” – Community Banker