Sell Better. Coach Better. Hire Better.
When working with us, you partner with professionals who hold themselves responsible for growing your company’s revenue. A seasoned Sales Development Expert, who knows your industry, will work closely with your salespeople and managers, to help them develop the language, the skills and the behaviors to more effectively sell, coach and hire.
Sales Opportunity Gap is defined as the gap between where sales must be and where they are currently. We help companies that must close their sales opportunity gap by focusing on what matters most – improving the effectiveness of your salespeople and increasing sales results.
Sell Better
Our sales effectiveness training helps salespeople become more consultative, more targeted and consequently more personal in their approach. Each salesperson will develop the language and process to get a buyer’s attention and to uncover prospect pains and needs. They will be coached in the best ways to ask difficult budget and decision-making questions. Our sales effectiveness training approach helps salespeople develop professional courage and build rapport. They will learn to find and qualify leads more easily.

Coach Better
A good sales manager helps salespeople by arming them with the skills, knowledge and strategies that enables them to be successful. A good coach motivates people by managing to their individual strengths, hopes and dreams, by holding them accountable, and by helping them recover from negative encounters. Our trademarked Sales Managed Environment® (SME™) program teaches your sales managers the necessary sales management skills to grow sales by improving in these areas: Performance Management, Coaching, Motivating, Recruiting and Coaching an Effective Selling System.
Hire Better
Finding the ideal candidate who will sell and thrive in your company culture is a serious challenge. We help clients implement a world-class, sales-specific hiring process that identifies, attracts, assesses, interviews, hires and on-boards the best sales talent; those who will succeed in your business within the parameters of your pricing model, competition and challenges. Our individual steps are available ala carte to fill in gaps for those firms that already have a process for hiring salespeople and may need help in specific areas.