Do You Have a Sales Action Plan?

Hello this is Walt Gerano with Anthony Cole Training Group and welcome to this week’s sales brew that answers the question:  What is the best way to consistently close more deals? The answer: having a sales action plan.

Why a sales action plan?

  1. To make sure that you and all the decision makers are on the same path.
  2. A sales action plan can act as an accelerant to keep the process moving or to provide a spark when you get stuck.
  3. It demonstrates and reiterates your understanding of the problem(s) the prospect is asking you to provide a solution for.
  4. It will help you to focus on the value of your solution, not the features and benefits of the product.
  5. Finally, it is a roadmap to remind you where you are and where you need to be.

So, what are the steps of an effective sales action plan?

  1. Discover and determine the prospects goals and their motivation to meet with you.
  2. What is their “why”? What problem are they looking to solve?
  3. Prospects buy on emotion, make sure your questions tap into that.
  4. Help them see the future if they fix the problem as well as if they don’t.
  5. Identifying the roadblocks. Who else has to say yes?

If you have a process that is providing you a steady stream of success, stay with it!  If not, maybe a sales action plan can help with more wins and more consistency.

Free Download: Personal & Business Work Plan


From Sales Development Expert, Walt Gerano

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