Identifying the 3 Types of Prospects
The G3 Prospect Rule
By Tony Cole, Chief Learning Officer and Co-Founder of Anthony Cole Training Group
There are 3 types of prospects
- The “Glad to See You” Prospect
- The “Get Out” Prospect
- The “Got Time” Prospect
Play The Sales Brew:
So, let’s get into this process of trying to develop severe mental anguish, pain, cognitive dissonance, whatever you want to call it… Let’s figure out how to do that.
Well, one of the first things we need to understand is the G3 Rule. And the G3 Rule simply states that, when you show up at a prospect’s office, or if you do telephone or inside sales, when you’re talking to a prospect for the first time, you have to understand the G3 Rule.
The G3 Rule means that there are 3 types of prospects.
- One of the types of prospects you might see or talk to is one who’s glad to see you. And it’s pretty obvious. They walk in, “Hey, How are you doing? Tony, I’m glad to see you come by. I’ve been excited about this.” They are of a positive nature, and so they’re glad to see you.
- Another type of prospect is the type of prospect who wants to get rid of you. They want you OUT. And they will conduct the interview in such a way that makes you uncomfortable and satisfies their needs.
- The third one is the “What Do You Got” prospect. Typically, these individuals are willing to have the conversation/take the appointment and ask questions to identify the solution you have in mind, but are otherwise disinterested. They don’t usually have apparent severe mental anguish or a compelling reason to change their current situation.
Generally speaking, when you show up to meet with these folks, regardless of what state they’re in, they’re in the mindset that everything is OK. Most of the time, the people you are meeting with have made a decision to implement a program or buy a product that you’re in there to ask about. However, in the very beginning, they are not typically going to admit to you that, “Oh yeah, I screwed up and what we’re doing is horrible.”
Occasionally, that is going to happen and, when it happens, keep in mind what type of prospect that you have – you have the “I’m glad to see you” prospect. It’s the OTHER ones that you have to be really worried about.
When you start to ask them questions about what’s going on and if they start to give you some information relative to what you and I would consider “Well, I think they have a problem” then you get them to start talking and you start to ask them questions. You’ll get deeper and deeper into the problem and they’re going to try to protect themselves because the truth is typically painful for them. The reason it is painful is it will cause them to admit that maybe they’ve made some mistakes. And they want to avoid THAT process as long as they can.
Now, if you can effectively develop communication with your prospect, then it will be easier for them to open up and reveal their pain and it will take a shorter amount of time.