Handling Objections in Sales with Confidence
I would almost rather handle rejection over objections. At least rejection is just a no or not interested. Objections are tricky and can be hard to navigate. However, handling objections in sales is a necessary evil. And if we want to continue pursuing an opportunity and remain in the running, how we handle those objections can make or break our chances.
Here’s what I believe—the process the prospect follows is learned. The process they follow and the questions they ask are things they’ve been taught or experienced themselves. In their defense, there is so much noise and saturation in the marketplace, it’s hard for them to make heads or tails of why and how we are different from someone else who does what we do. So when we all say the same things, when we all position our value and capabilities the same way, it becomes almost impossible for the prospect to differentiate.
The Role of Re-Education in Handling Objections in Sales
It is our job to re-educate. We have to stay firm and communicate our process, what steps we need to take, and how things are going to unfold working with us. And after re-educating them, if there are still objections to the process—if they say, “No, just send me the information”—then that is probably a good sign they are not committed, considering, or willing to make a change or buy from you.
I’ve always thought of objections as obstacles, and you have to eliminate obstacles before encountering them. If you are getting to the point of presenting your solution when you first hear, “I need to meet with…,” that’s an obstacle you should have identified and hopefully eliminated before this moment in time. But doing that and handling objections in sales gracefully and confidently requires preparation and practice. And that’s more preparation and practice than just the drive out to their office or five minutes before you hop on Zoom.
There are hundreds of objections you have heard and will hear in the future. But we don’t have that kind of time today! So here are the top three most common obstacles salespeople hear and ways you may consider overcoming them:
1. “I need to think about it.”
“Sure, I would probably do the same thing. Let me ask you—when you say you need to think it over, I find that there are typically three possible reasons:
- You need to think this over as it’s a big decision.
- You have questions or concerns that I haven’t addressed that we need to.
- Or, and it may not be the case here, but sometimes when someone tells me they need to think it over, it’s because it’s the nicest way they know how to tell me ‘no.’
I’m fine with any of those options, but I’m curious—which one is it for you?”
(If they say they really just need to sit and think it over)
“No problem! How much time do you feel you need to think it over?” (Get a timeframe.)
“Great, why don’t I send you a calendar invite for [date] at [time] for us to follow up and see where you’ve landed? What do you think about that?”
2. “Another group offered me a lower price.”
“Great! When you told them you decided to move forward with/buy from them, what did they say?”
(Assuming they didn’t)
“Why not? What else is important to you in your decision-making process other than price?”
3. “I don’t have time to talk. Can you just send me some information?”
“I could, but in my business, I don’t make a habit of sending information just to send information. I typically find the information you want is worthy of a conversation.
So why don’t we find a time to talk? I’ll ask you a series of questions, you can ask me any that you have, and after that conversation, I think we’ll both be in a better position to identify if it makes sense to continue forward.
What do you think about that?”
Non-Verbal Communication in Handling Objections
You’ll notice that all of the responses from the salesperson work to gain clarity and identify the why or what. When I talk about eliminating obstacles, that’s what I’m talking about. And only when you get a clear definition or commitment from your prospect do you move to the next step.
93% of how you are perceived is non-verbal communication. Yes, words can be important. You don’t want to be a jerk or inappropriate. But how you deliver a message and how you respond to objections will say far more about your confidence and professionalism than any nicely curated value proposition statement.
So everything you just heard me practice needs to be delivered in a manner in which it will be well received. If you take what I have just laid out and shoot from the hip without the right cadence, tone, inflection, etc., it’s not going to land the way it needs to. Taking us back to why practice is so critical for performance.
Spend the time identifying the objections you hear or want to be ready to handle, prepare your response, practice your delivery, and stick to your process. It won’t be easy at first, but I believe the more you do it, the easier and more natural it will become.
Alex Cole-Murphy, Sales Development Expert
Anthony Cole Training Group
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