Just 1,440 Minutes

From Recruitment Specialist & Sales Development Expert, Alex Cole-Murphy

We often hear the statement ‘I need to manage my time better.” Yet we all know that there are just 1,440 minutes in a day. We cannot speed those minutes up, slow them down or stop them.  So really, no matter what we try to do, we cannot manage time.  We need to understand this truth and determine what we must do in order to get what must get, done.

Find out more below!

Sales Brew – Just 1,400 Minutes from Anthony Cole Training on Vimeo.


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Video Transcript: 

Let me ask – Is your hair on fire?  Do you run out of time in the day, week, or month?  Does your ‘to do’ list become the ‘didn’t get done’ list and end up on the tomorrow’s ‘to do’ list?  Is this problem bad enough for you to have to fix?  Is this a problem that is having a negative impact on you, your family, your company?

Step 1 is to take ownership of your current state.  It’s easy to blame outside forces for your situation and to an extent your external world does have a ‘vote’ on what happens in your day.  But remember this – events happen to us all, what happens next shapes our destiny. And the ‘what happens’ next is where you make your decisions – Take Responsibility for your Thoughts, Emotions, Behaviors and you will get the results you want. But you have to have a Plan. The reality is that you already have a self management plan. Your life, the way it is today defines your plan.  If you don’t like it, then it is up to you to begin to make changes.  Your plan has to have reasonable expectations of yourself and others and it must be communicated.  Your team, your clients, management, co-workers and family all have to be aware of what you are trying to accomplish with your new plan.

Step 2 is Get ready to Change. You MUST determine that your hectic, hair on fire life isn’t the life you want.

  • Decide you have to change.
  • Determine how you got where you are.
  • Crank up the passion about where you want to be.
  • Throw out your current plan, start a new one.
  • No excuses.

Step 3 is Focus. Many people hate the idea of being structured.  They feel it will be too confining and they need to have flexibility in their schedule to deal with the ‘pop ups’ of life.  The reality is that you will have more flexibility if you create a structure to work within. But the structure requires focus.  It requires that you become a slave to the schedule.  Decide if you will control your business or let your business control you.