Identifying Your Ideal Prospect Persona | Selling to Zebras
There’s no mistaking a zebra. Generating leads for new business requires a solid strategy, and “selling to zebras” is one. Learn how to analyze your current best clients to identify your ideal prospect persona and make more sales.
We’re talking about “selling to zebras” today. There’s no mistaking a zebra when you see one. If you book a safari to see the great African elephant, and all you see is zebras, you’re going to be disappointed. Maybe not the first couple days, because zebras are pretty cool… but eventually you want to see that elephant. But when you do, there will be no mistaking the elephant from the zebra.
And so it is with effective lead generation. Generating leads for new business isn’t just a combination of behaviors and skills. Growing your business also requires a solid practice management strategy. Selling to zebras is one of those strategies.
I learned about selling to zebras when I spoke for Bill Eckstrom in his conference at the EcSell Institute. Chad Koser was speaking- he is the author of the book Selling to Zebras. I will share with you a couple of those concepts. It really comes down to three easy steps.
1. Segment your book into thirds
Take a look at the top third of your business, and if your business is like most, that top third represents over 90% of your revenue. This means these are your best clients. The idea of selling to zebras is to make sure your lead generation strategy puts you in front of more active buyers that look like your current best clients.
2. Look for common traits and demographics in that top third
What are those things that your clients have in common? In terms of industry, point of contact, how you made contact, the volume of sales, and the size of the organization. Learn the types of trigger points they might have to help you identify them when they are active in the market to buy your products and services.
3. Commit yourself to spending at least 2/3 of your time looking for or attracting nothing but companies that look like your top third
Here’s a bonus tip. Chances are pretty good that the top 1/3 of your clients know at least five other people or companies like them. So ask them to introduce you to others that they know.
You can purchase the book, Selling to Zebras, Here.