While most experienced Lenders and Relationship Managers are adept at presenting the solutions they offer to help businesses, they may not be as skilled at opening the first call or communicating in a way that distinctly reflects your bank’s unique value.

This is where we can help. We know that bankers can struggle with consistency of prospect outreach efforts and may give up too quickly.  But in most banks, bringing in new relationships is part of the job! And once a decision-maker is identified, it can take six or more calls to win a sale. How good are your relationship managers at prospecting consistently, building rapport and delivering your bank’s full value proposition?

Our Sales Training Approach

Our commercial and business banking sales training provides lenders and relationship managers with an approach that will help differentiate your bank from all of the other banks. They will become more skilled at having complex, consultative conversations that the other banks are not having with these prospect companies.

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According to a recent study by BAI, an “engaged” client is 35% more likely to consider their bank for their next product or service than a client who is merely “satisfied.”

What tools do you or your bankers utilize to really engage clients and prospects? What tools do you or your bankers utilize to really engage clients and prospects? Do you have the appropriate insights into specific geographic nuances so that you can really speak a prospect’s love language? Does your bank have certain guidelines that help determine when to pursue a prospect or when to move on?

These insights and rules, when followed, lead to more favorable outcomes… and much less time being wasted chasing prospects who are unlikely to do business with your bank.

Read Our Recent Article Featured by Barlow Research Associates

Growing your business banking portfolio is a complex but rewarding feat considering the average small business banking relationship is worth more than $9,000 in revenue to your financial institution (according to Barlow Research’s latest voice of the business customer data). Not only is creating a strategy based on Voice of the Customer data and competitive intelligence essential, but arming account officers with the tools to create value and execute that strategy based on that knowledge is a sure way to grow your market share.

Read the article here


How We Build Your Sales Process

Utilizing our Effective Selling System, we will introduce your lenders and relationship managers to a customized step-by-step sales process that will help them ask business advisor questions like these below. They will become more skilled at focusing on the client (vs on their products) so that they can uncover critical information to fully qualify, engage and help the buyer achieve their ultimate goals.

Our Effective Selling System sales training courses will help your salespeople develop the strategy and tactical approach needed to target specific industries and markets with credibility and comfort. We will help them develop the skills to ask their prospect questions to uncover the full scope of a prospect’s needs.

How compelling or urgent is this problem or opportunity?
What is the capacity and desire to change?
What is the cost of the problem?
What has the current provider offered as a solution?
Who is impacted by the problem?
Who will make the decision to move forward?
What is the budget to address the problem?
How long will the buying process take?

We combine instructor-led training, supported by robust online sales learning modules, live Zoom-casts and highly effective personal phone coaching. We fully integrate distance learning into our sales effectiveness training, helping to manage the costs of travel and time out of the office for participants. Our clients tell us that our unique “drill for skill” approach that includes practice and role play pushes their salespeople past their current boundaries and helps them create a better comfort level, connecting with their prospects.

Customized Sales Training for your Lenders & RMs:

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Business Banking Industry Focus

Bankers can no longer differentiate themselves with banking solutions alone. They must be industry experts, coming to the table with full industry knowledge, credibility and confidence in order to have robust conversations with business owners and CEOs. Find out how we can help your bank managers leverage resources such as Vertical IQ into their team’s selling approach to enhance RMs consultative skills. Listen to the recorded webinar we did in partnership with Vertical IQ below.

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